Annelise Jarvis Hansen



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Annelise Jarvis-Hansen er født i 1944 og opvokset i Gladsaxe men har boet dele af sit liv i USA. Hun har en BFA Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts fra Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles 1975 ( og hun studerede filosofi og kunsthistorie på Københavns Universitet i 1980-84.


På Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles, blev hun elev af Lorser Feitelson, en af USA´s pionerer af ”New USA-Abstraction”. Han er kendt for at udvikle ”Abstract Classicism” og ”Hard-Edge Curvilinear Abstraction”.(


I Annelises studie tid fik hun kyndig vejledning af sine professorer Lorser Feitelson og Harry Carmean, i kendskab til de historiske og avantgarde kunst begreber om formalisme og udover formalismen, og til kunstens ismer fra den tidlige græsk kunst, klassicismen, modernismen, til begyndelsen af postmodernismen og den ikke vest-lige kunst.


Annelise udviklede sit abstrakte maleri inspireret af Malewichs ”Black Square”, Kandinskys musikalske farveform, Feitelsons ”Curvilinear Abstract Classicism”, Mark Rothkhos og Josef Albers farver, Sonja Delaunay og Helen Lundeburgs geometriske abstraktion.

”Annelise er især optaget af de yderst interessante og indviklede problemer om at opnå en tilstand af ”sameksistens” af tilsyneladende modstridende kræfter af harmoni og disharmoni indenfor rammen af et enkelt lærred, hendes genialt opbyggede ”dualistisk spænding” bliver en ny kunstnerisk oplevelse. Annelise´s malerier repræsenterer fortrinligt den yderste interessante tendens til at skabe en flertydighed, som samtidig er idealistisk og sensuel”. Lorser Feitelson

Fra sin ungdom i 60’erne fandt hun inspiration i filosofien af Søren Kierkegaards og Jean-Paul Sartres eksistentialisme, i Heideggers fænomenologi, i Simone de Beauvoirs om “Den Anden“ til post-modernismens feminisme og multikulturalisme. Annelises grund- princip er: først er vi et ”menneske”, dernæst et ”køn”.




Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon - Biografi Forfatter: Sten Hartung (S.Ha.)

Annelise Jarvis Hansen´s kunst kan opdeles i to kategorier: billeder med nøgne figurer på abstrakt baggrund og værker af rent abstrakt karakter. Fælles er interessen for linien og kurven og elementer af aktion versus kontra-aktion.


I hendes figurbilleder optræder altid det nøgne menneske, solidt naturalistisk bygget op, i en abstrakt atmosfære. Hun fokuserer på menneskets sind og følelser, der spejles i de abstrakte former og bringes ind i en tidløs verden. Hun stræber efter at få det tænkte, det følte, og det erotiske til at sameksistere i en harmonisk helhed med et bevidst selv.


Yin og yang-Dualisme spiller en rolle for hende, såvel som klassiske composition af "konkave / konvekse" og "kurve/lineær" og "hårdt kant/soft-kant"

Hendes malerier er præget af Lorser Feitelton s "curvelinear komposition" med deres bestræbelser på at nå et samspil mellem rum og form.





Annelise Jarvis -Hansen. Born in 1944. Raised in Gladsaxe.Opvokset in Gladsaxe .

She has a BFA Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts from the Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles 1975, she studied philosophy and art history at the University of Copenhagen in 1980-84 .

She has had several solo and group exhibitions in the USA and in Denmark and is a member of BKF , PPS and i the United States : CAA College Art Association WCA Women's Caucus for the Arts



Weilbach's dictionary - Biography Author: Sten Hartung (S.Ha.)

Annelise Jarvis Hansen's art can be divided into two categories: works of the naked figures in abstract background and works of purely abstract character. Common interest is in the line and curve and elements of action versus non-action.


In her figurative paintings the nude is solid naturalistic built up in an abstract atmosphere. She focuses on the mind and emotions that are reflected in the abstract forms and brought into a timeless world. She strives to get the differences to coexist in a harmonious whole.


Yin and yang-Dualism plays a role for her, as well as classical composition forms of concave/convex and curve linear hard-edge/soft-edge.

Her paintings are influenced by Lorser Feitelton's "curvelinear composition" with their efforts to reach an interaction between the space and shape .



Annelise Jarvis-Hansen Kirkeskov Alle 30, 3th, 3050 Humlebæk Copenhagen Denmark Tlf. (0045) 38 19 47 20 (0045) 23 81 17 93



Født 1944



2006 Los Angeles, USA Ambassador for Art Center College of Art, Pasadena – Los Angeles,

2003/6 Denmark kunstakademiet København .. efteruddannelse

1980-84 Denmark BFA Universitet København - Filosofi og kunsthistorie

1968-74 USA BFA - Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles California, USA –

Studied Fine Arts with professor Lorsor Feitelson Chair of Fine Arts Dept.

Studied figure painting with Harry Carmean. Fine Art professor at Art Center College

of Design, LA -

1966 Denmark Niels Brook handelskole, København Handels Eksamen.

1962 Denmark Buddinge Skole, Realeksamen Søborg, København



2012-2016 CAA College Art Association .boardmember CAA International Committee

2011 New York CAA College Art Assoc. Panellist on Int. committee Global networking

2011 Bonn UN-NGO Annual Conference – Art - Culture for Peace

2002-09 New York UN-NGO Annual Conference -Art & Culture For Peace –

2009 Los Angeles CAA College Art Assoc. WCA Women’s Caucus for the Arts

2008 Paris UN-NGO annual Conference – Human Rights 60 years

2001 Chicago CAA College Art Assoc. WCA -speaker International Network

2000-07 New York CAA College Art Assoc. WCA -speaker International Nerwork


MEMBERSHIPS / medlemskab

1980-2017 KKS kvindelige kunstners samfund

1981-2017 BKF Billedkunstnerses Samfund

1984-2017 New York CAA College Art Association

1993-2017 USA WCA Women’s Caucus for Art – Los Angeles Chapter

1998 USA FATE-Foundation in Art Theory and Education since

1991-10 Berlin IAWP Int. Assoc. of Women Philosopher

1990 USA ASA American Society of Aesthetics

1980 New York ISA Int. Society of Artists

1978 New York AEA Artist Equity Assoc.

1978 New York Who is Who in American Art

1974 Los Angeles L.A.A.A. L.A. .Art Association



1998- 2012-16 New York CAA College Art Assoc. board member of the International Committee

1998-15 New York NGO accredited to the United Nations, Executive Director of KIK-Kulturel Info-Koordination.DK

1995 New York Secretariat for NGO-Forum 4th World Womens Conference 1995 Beijing

1995 China Beijing NGO-UN 4th World Women’s Conference. GLOBAL ART NETWORK

KIK-Kulturel Information & Koordination Women in Art & Culture, NGO Coordinator

EXHIBITS selected

2016 denmark


2015 Germany. Berleburg, group exhibit

2014 Denmark. Odense... Hans Christian Andersen museum. Women HOF group 9

2013 Greece Athens-Art. org. Group exhibit.

2012 Denmark. Copenhagen Townhall Women HOF group 9

2011 USA Los Angeles Barnsdall Art Museum – Oct.13 Nov.13 LELA Five Elements/One World

2011 San Francisco Reversing the Gaze-Man as Object” WCA -

2010 Italy La Spezia - “Con gli occhi delláltro”

2007 Jordan City Hall, Amman - Global Collection of Art -WOW

2006 Los Angeles Astro Museum and Modern Art Gallery-group show LELA

2006 Chicago Cultural Centre - Global Collection of Art -WOW

2004 Iceland Akureyri Museum, Global Collection of Art -WOW

2003 Alabama Mobile Museum, Global Collection of Art - WOW

2003 San Francisco Int. Museum of Women - Group Show

2002 Salzburg Kunstmesse, Contemporary Art Fair –Gallery Bells&Fillies

2002 Alabama Mobile Museum – Global Collection of Art - WOW

2002 Alexandria Alexandria Museum – Group Show

2001 Arizona Tucson Museum

2001 New York Grand Central Station Group Show of Sept.11-Ground Zero

2001 Copenhagen Solo Exhibit – Sept. 11 – Ground Zero- “I was there”

2000 Michigan Flint Institute – Group Show

2000 Stockholm Global Collection – Volvo –group show

1995 Arizona Internet: World Women on Line – Arizona State Univ.

1995 China-Beijing NGO-UN 4th World Conference Women-MiniArt Show

1993 New Haven WCA -Women Caucus for Art -Yale University

1987 Washington DC Natioanl Museum for Women in the Arts-Postcard-Art

1979 New York WOMENSART Galleries

1979 Los Angeles Society of Art Center Alumni Exhibition

1978 New York Westchester County Courthouse -Public Artists -

1978 Bologna International Fair of Contemporary Art

1978 Las Vegas International Fine Art Exhibit

1976 New York CAPS, Creative Artists Public Service

1976 Los Angeles Society of Art Center Alumni Exhibition

1975 Paris Des Arts Graphiques-Paris City Council

1975 Atlanta Festival of Women in the Arts, City Hall

1975 Los Angeles Los Angeles Art Association-Interiors with figures Show

1978-79 New York Scarsdale Police Station Mural – CITA project





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