Music event      &




Vil I have musik-event og klassisk guitar under udstillingen?

Do you want music-event and classical guitar while exhibiting us?


det NØGNE  menneske                                           

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Komponist Alfredo Moreleôn i sit studeo i Køge, DK

Musiker Lars under koncert på akustisk guitar

Lotte Kjøller i sin første istallation "I begyndelsen var billedet"  i Kunsthal vARTe i varde, DK hvor den vises første gang dog uden video og Lars guitar da han skadede sin hånd. Ellers med lyd af Alfredo Moreleon og guitar af Lars.

Mange har givet virkeligt flotte tilbagemeldinger om Lotte og Alfredos installation og samarbejde. Så som - "Det er meget sjældent at se en virkelig god installation med lyd af en rigtig komponist, det plejer at bare være lyde". "Det er et eksempel på når kunst og musik går op i en højere enhed - den musik er virkelig delikat og jeg kan høre billederne i den". En mand mente at have set dansende engle derinde.  "Den er et billede ligesom malerierne. Det viser at Komponist Alfredo Moreleôn er kunstnerisk og kunstneren Lotte Kjøller musikalsk". - Og det er også det der er tilfældet. Det er måske derfor de har været venner snart et helt liv. Rygtet om installationen spredte sig i Varde og musikere begyndte at komme for at se og høre den - fordi de havde hørt om den fra andre.

ENG: Lotte Kjoeller in her first istallation "In the beginning was the picture" in the vARTe Exhibitionhall in varde, DK where it is shown the first time, however, without video and Lars live guitar when he injured his hand. Otherwise, with the sound of Alfredo Moreleon and guitar by Lars.

Many have given really nice feedback on Lotte and Alfredos installation and cooperation. So as - "it is very rare to see a really good Setup and installation with the sound of a real composer, it is not just sounds". "It is an example of when art and music goes up into a higher unity - the music is really delicate and I can hear the paintings in it". One mann said he saw engels dansing in it. "It is an image like the paintings. It shows that the Composer Alfredo Moreleôn is artistic and artist Lotte K musically". - And it is also right. It is perhaps for this reason they have been friends nearly the entire life. The rumor about the installation was spreading in Varde and musicians started to come to see and listen it, because they had heard about it from others.


At skabe og spille musik er også kunst. Og vi har et fint samarbejde med både komponist Alfredo Moreleôn og musikeren Lars Frantsen. Det har blandt andet medført et fælles kunstværk.


Lars Frantsen er den musiker der akkompanerer komponist Alfredo Moreleóns smukke lydbillede - eller anderledes musik - skabt og komponeret til og af billedkunstner Lotte Kjøllers installation "I begyndelsen var billedet" med malerierne "Stjernehimlen", "Båret" og "Michael" i samme rækkefølge på sin guitar.

Alfredo Moreleón, Komponist, blev født i México i 1948. Bosat i Køge, Danmark siden 1981. Gift med sin danske kone Inger "Detlow" og de har 2 voksne børn. Han begyndte sine musikalske studier i en tidlig alder på Conservatorio Nacional de la Ciudad de México og fortsatte sine studier alene op til i dag, for som han selv siger: "Musik bliver man aldrig færdig med at studere". Gennem årene har han skrevet musik til orkester, strygeensemble, teater, biograf, musicals, ballet og andre former for musikalske bestræbelser. Han har sit musikstudie i Køge hvor Lotte Kjøller er vokset op og de anser hinanden som far og datter. Af denne kærlighed er installationen skabt.


Lars Frantsen er autodidakt musiker med mange år på bagen og har i samarbejde med Alfredo Moreleon skabt et akkompament på levende guitar til Lottes Kjøllers værk der kan fremføres under ferniseringen af vores udstilling. Værket tager ca. 13 min.

Efter de 13 min. kan Lars fortsætte med eget repetoar.

Se om installationens tilblivelse og hør musikken her på dette link.


Guitaristen Lars Frantsen er en kunstnerisk, musikalsk akademiker som optræder solo med professionel underholdning på klassisk guitar. Så skal du bruge stille, klassisk musik og blid instrumental blues, du kan nyde som baggrundsmusik imens du holder kunst-fernisering, så se her!

Når Lars Frantsen spiller på sin guitar, gør han det professionelt og smukt, men diskret og dæmpet. Det er mest instrumentale numre som f. eks. Back, Bethoven, spansk flamingo til klassisk guitar, blid blues osv. Lars spiller, men han synger også. Så har du et arrangement, hvor der skal være stille, smuk og blid musik, og er du til klassisk guitar, så er dette sagen. Det har vist sig at være glimrende musik til mange slags kunstferniseringer, hvor de klassiske, rolige toner supplerer kunsten på væggen rigtig flot.


At være naturlig når man er nøgen er godt for selvtilliden og kunne gavne mange mennesker.



Creating and playing music is also art. And we have a good collaboration with both composer Alfredo Moreleon and the musician Lars Frantsen. It has, among other things, resulted in a joint work of art.


Lars Frantsen is the musician who accompanies composer Alfredo Moreleôn's beautiful soundtrack or different music created and composed for and by Alfredo to the painter Lotte Kjøller's installation "In the beginning was the picture" with the paintings "Starry Sky", "Carried" and "Michael" in the same order on his guitar. Alfredo Moreleon is from Mexico and educated at the music conservatory there. He has lived in Denmark for many years. Lars has been an autodidactic musician for many years and he has together with Alfredo created a compass on live guitar for Lottes Kjøller's work that can be performed during the celebration of our exhibition. This takes about 15 min. After the 15 min. can Lars continue with his own repetition.

Alfredo Moreleón, Composer, was born in México in 1948.Residing in Køge, Denmark since 1981. Married with his Danish wife Inger "Detlow" and they have 2 adult children. He began his musical studies at an early age at the Conservatorio Nacional de la Ciudad de México and continued his studies as a self taught up to today, because, as he says: Music will be a never finished study. During the years he has written music for Orchestra, string ensemble, theatre, cinema, musicals, ballet and other forms of musical endeavors. He has his music Studio in Køge where Lotte Kjoeller has grown up and they consider each other as father and daughter. Of this love is the installation created.


See the process with the installation and listen to the music her at this link.



Guitarist Lars Frantsen is an artistic musician academic mann who performs solo with professional entertainment on classical guitar. So if you should use quiet, classical music and gentle instrumental blues, you can enjoy background music while you eat, keeping reception or artexhobits, look here!


When Lars plays his guitar, he does it professionally and beautifully but discreet and subdued. It's mostly instrumental tracks as f. Ex. Back, Bethoven, Spanish flamenco to classical guitar, gentle blues etc. Lars plays, but he also sings. So if you have an event where you want to have quiet, beautiful and gentle music, and you like the classical guitar, this is for you. It has been found to be excellent for many kinds of artexhibits where the classical, quiet tones complement the art on the wall really nice.



Being natural when you're naked is good for self-confidence and could benefit to many people.


Det kan kun anbefales at maile til Lars eller Alfredo. Kontakt dem gennem oplysninger nederst på siden, og I finder en rimelig pris til netop dit arrangement og dine behov.

It is advisable to mail Lars or Alfredo. Call them and you will find a reasonable price for your event and your needs.

Du kan kontakte musikerne her/ You can contact the musicians here:

Komposer Alfredo Moreleôn

Music studeo in Koege/Køge, Denmark

Pedersvej 31

4600 Køge


tel: +45 56 65 85 78


Musician Lars Frantsen

Bogholder Alle 66 kl th.

2720 Copenhagen


tel: +45 41666466

Mail: link

Video of "the NAKED human art" in vARTe Exhibition Hall, Varde, Denmark 2018

Video af "det NØGNE menneske" i Kunsthal vARTe, Varde, Danmark 2018

Published Date 11/4 - 2018

Beskrivelse:Video fra vores 333 m2 store kunstudstilling "Det nøgne menneske" i Kunsthal vARte, Varde efter lukketid så man rigtigt kan høre komponist Alfredo Moreleons musik til Lotte Kjøllers "I begyndelsen var billedet" som spreder sig ud over hele udstillingen. Denne video er optaget udenfor Kunsthallens åbningstid så lyden rigtig kan komme til sin ret og derfor er videoen lige så lang som musikken - det betyder at der ikke er publikum i kunsthallen der kan larme - men det betyder også at publikum er borte fra billedet.

Description: Video from our 333m2 art exhibition "The Naked Human Art" in vARte Exhibitionhall, Warned after closing time, so you can really listen to composer Alfredo Moreleon's music to Lotte Kjøller's "In the beginning was the picture" which spreads throughout  all the exhibitionhall. This video is recorded outside the Exhibitionhall´s opening hours so the sound can really come into its own and that is why the video as long as the music-it means that there is no audience in the Arts Hall who can bellow – but it also means that the audience is gone from the picture.
