


I, artist Lotte Kjøller, born in 1966 in Køge, Denmark. I have exhibited many  places. I debuted at the danish Artists Exhibition in 1995 and got 3 works becomes the same place 1996. In 1997 I was on scholarship trip to Paris, where I studied at the art academy og fine arts Ecole Des Beaux Artes. Before that I was in 3-year apprenticeship with artist Jeff Ibbo. Now I've got the professional quality status both as a member of the Artists' Association in Denmark (BKF) and the Danish Writers Association (DFF) as an illustrator and poet. I have exhibited widely both in Denmark and the rest of the world. I paint acrylic on canvas. As an artist, I am most famous for painting naked people. I have done that all my life. I'm also working to put more canvas upholstery together for 1 picture and in all possible canvas formats. Moreover I makes installations, draw, illustrate, doing sculpture, teaches and talks. My paintings are always acrylic on canvas or wood, sculpture of stoneware, and lithography are stone pressure on cotton paper.

See my site: where there are works full CV, etc.



Our body is our mind's housing and is completely natural - with and without clothes. All bodies regardless of age, color and sex is beautiful. We humans undergoing a transformation in life. Both we and our bodies change. We must sometimes struggle to achieve our desires and emerge stronger/ adults out there - and ahead in life. Our naked body symbolizes vulnerability and honesty in art. This is depicted in the image, the color's height, depth and effect. The style is abstract-expressive with figurative layers as Bonnard and Cobra and the colour symbolic, sparkling with silver/ gold emphasis.


- Also Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden of Eden without problems. Only after the fall they got dressed!



Lotte Kjøller/Lotte Kjoeller

Bogholder Alle 66 kl th. 2720 Vanloese





Tel: +45 2878 0309

BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: Born in South Africa 1943 but has been living in Denmark for many years. Studered at Guildford School of Art, Guildford and Royal School of Art, London

1966-1971. Member of Monsoon Images, Photonica,

1983, New York, New York & Billedhus, Member of Copenhagen.


BARRY PRINGLES ARTIST STATEMENT: Nudity has been here for decades-it is not a big problem.



Barry Pringle

Strandgade 1, 3000 Helsingør

Denmark, +45 26364626

Photographer Esben Fog

 Esben Fog has held photographic exhibitions since the late 1990’s.

Esben has a narrative approach to his work, working mainly with staged photography. This entails arranged scenes, with carefully choreographed, planned images. Rather than recording and interpreting the physical world, he creates alternative realities in small figurative worlds, where the observer is invited in to explore and participate in these new realities that in turn slowly disclose yet more narratives.

Esben has worked mainly with film/analogue techniques and is now increasingly working with digital format.   

Esben’s portfolio is primarily of the nude human body. Clothing gives a figure a defined identity, situated in a defined time. Unclothed the figure transcends time and place and becomes universal.

Esben is a member of the “Danish historical photographical Society” and finds inspiration from the works of old photographers such as Henry Peach Robinson and Oscar Gustav Rejlander. Painters have also been a rich source of inspiration.


Exhibitions in art galleries, public places, cafes and restaurants in Denmark, among them “The Danish Museum of Photographic Arts.”

Latest exhibitions:

2019: Pakhuset kulturhus, Nykøbing Sj,  (art museum and cultural center on Sealand). 2018: 7 exhibitions, among them “vARTe” (art museum and cultural center in Jutland) and “Odeon” a new cultural center in central Odense. 2017: 4 exhibitions, among them “SAK” (Svendborg art museum and gallery). Esben Fog’s work has been featured in newspapers and photo magazines, among them “Danish photography” and “Kunstavisen” (The artmagasin). Short documentary on Danish television.

Esben Fog. 

Edvard Brandes Gade 15. 5000 Odense C   site:

+45 40 25 47 52


Grethe Tranberg was born in 1947, has been a private student of Svend Wiig Hansen and has exhibited at both the artists autumn exhibition (KE) and artists Summer exhibition (KS) in addition to the exhibitions both in Denmark and abroad. She is a member of image artist's Association (BKF), female artists ' Society (PPS), Artist Group MULT and artist Association 18 nobr. When Ravi has for many years been moving in an esoteric landscape with many multi-faceted manufacturing forms, it is natural that there is a certain offset in image perception. Although it can be said that Grethe has been very faithful towards his imagery has to be pleased that at the same time, she has managed the difficult art and with the important core (which calls for distinctive) preserved. For those who have followed her, it is not necessary with long descriptions and explanations, we know that it started in Sunday school, as we know, she was once on the side of the Mediterranean who belong to Africa, and that she has been in Rome and Tuscany. Also, we know that she does not draw, butis a painterand paint all hers characters and landscapes by the painting chaos that occurs when one starts spontaneously and with the inner Tablet completely blank.



Grethe Tranberg painting imaginative pictures of animals and humans in a interaction that is both dramatic and expressive, but also in the balance. Here appearing Angels with naturalness in archetypal modes in a modern colorfull language. She is inspired by medieval imagery and Tuscany's mythological creatures with and without wings in a fertile hilly landscape. Together with the naïve expression and a strong expressive style is Grethe the big storyteller in her paintings. Here's what Grethe even slices of her painting: "I'm working on that color must live, be deep, textuality, vibrating and organic, the form supports the color: the color becomes form, it will be moving and provide motive and history.


Grethe Tranberg

Erik Menveds vej 2,2 tv. 1965 Frederiksberg C

Fastnet:   35 39 58 49. Mobil:      22 93 62 93

Mail:         kunsten050@me.c

Se mere:  Hjemmeside


Jeff Ibbo is born 4/2 1941. My paintings are a study of  the human figure (preferably without clothes) to find a painterly expression. I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen 1964-70. Participated in approximately 15 juried exhibitions from 1966 to 1991 include KE, Charlottenborg, Tistrup summer exhibit and Kp, Aarhus. Separate Exhibitions, The Fries Building in 1997 -99-2001, Politiken gallery 2010. Published 3 cartoonbooks  1970, 71-72. Many galleries exhibits bla.galleri Marius, gallery Gerly, Art Associations and groups exhibits like Mult (1979-2014, Waiting for Noah in the Broensalen. 2014 Kbh.Berlin 2012 and 2014, Arts for All, Kerteminde artfestival, Samart, Koege. Biography written by Ole Lindbo in 2009



In 1979, I threw myself into a restless naturalistic theme of painting nature and humans, without any particular style. It led me back into an expressively figure painting, with roots in the Flemish ekspressionime (De Smet and Permeke) and Danish artists like Heerup. There is colored outlines around shapes, and large homogeneous surfaces. New debut in 86 at Charlottenborg, and KE91, and an entire wall with self-portraits

in the Ministry of Culture Exhibition Hall in Overgaden 93, together with Flemming Born and Steffen Sølberg. The colored contour disappeared gradually from the mid -90s, to be reborn as an often thin line shape that is tightly composed into the picture surface, and it was very textural, like the pictures I tried to paint in the early sixties. In some very large images, ca. 2 meters in height, I have worked even more with the purely physical painting, directly opposite models. Recently the colored contour is  resurfaced again as a more luminous marking of the figure that preserves the figurative impression and opens for more abstraction.



Jeff Ibbo, Erik Menvedsvej 2, 2 tv. 1965 Frederiksberg C. Denmark



+45 35 39 58 49


Olav Johannisson - har arbejdet som stenhugger. - har udstillet maleri og skulpturer på biblioteker, kunstmesser og markeder, censurerede  og ucensurerede udstillinger, i for- og -baghaver, kunstforeninger, gallerier mm. -  har undervist i div. discipliner inden for det billedkunstneriske område.

Der skulptureres i sten, ler, bronze og senest også i træ, og i størrelser varierende fra et par hundrede gram til  tre tons. Og der udstilles på messer og markeder, i ind- og udland, på gallerier og i kunstforeninger, censuret og ucensuret, og  i forhaver og baghaver. Der laves bestillingsopgaver (Farumsøsti) og til det frie marked. Og så males der, og undervises i div. billedkunstneriske dicipliner.


I stenene er der ofte taget udgangspunkt former fra vores forfædres stenredskaber. Dolke, økser mm., er umådelig elegante og stramme i linierne, og den historiske anknytning og vingesus giver for mig en ekstra dimension. Og de rejses som torsoer.


Lerskulpturerne tager mere eksplicit udgangspunkt i mennesket/kroppen, og er mere naturalistiske om end med en ekspressiv og mere rå fremtræden.


Malerierne har for det meste også referencer til mennesket og noget arkarisk, sakralt og/eller samfundsrelateret. En nyere serie  er lavet med inspiration fra vor natur/naturen. Og fremstår som mere eller mindre abstraherede landskaber.



Det nøgne menneske er for mig, mennesket som sådan, ikke det enkelte konkrete, som i mine musiker-portrætter, men mennesket generelt. Og det at ”gen”-skabe det nøgne menneske, er så at gå på opdagelse i kvaliteter ved mennesket/det menneskelige. Og det må meget gerne være en meget fysik/kropslig virksomhed – ikke kamp, men nydelse -  og det skal også fremstå sådant. Man skal kunne se penselstrøg, kædesavens snit eller redskabernes massen rundt med leret. Det er fysik og skabelse og det er der ingen grund til at skjule. Ikke noget nussen og glatten ud. I leret og træet er det oftest kvinden,- ikke kæresten, ikke søster eller kokkens datter, men moderen, som vi har dyrket i 15.000 år. Siden Villendorf,- Det er Venusser der giver liv. Der skaber. Den store moder - vores alles forudsætning.



Født 18.02.1954 på Poppel alle i Hareskov, Danmark



Olav Johannisson, Poppel alle 40, 3500 Vaerløse, Denmark.

tel: +45 44980630/ +45 25599288.

Site: mail:
