Video      &


det NØGNE  menneske                                           

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Video of "the NAKED human art" in SAK Exhibition Hall, Svendborg, Denmark 2017

Video af "det NØGNE menneske" i SAK Kunstbygning, Svendborg, Danmark 2017

Published Date 28/1 - 2017

Beskrivelse: Den af Facebook censurerede video fra vores 300 m2 store kunstudstilling "Det nøgne menneske" i SAK kunstbygning, Svendborg under fernisering Lørdag d. 28/1-2017 med 250 gæster og et fint salg.

Description: The of Facebook censored Video from our 300 m2 art exhibition "the NAKED human art" in SAK Exhibition Hall, Svendborg during the fernisage saturday 28/1-2017 with 250 guests and lot of sale.

Video of "the NAKED human art" in vARTe Exhibition Hall, Varde, Denmark 2018

Video af "det NØGNE menneske" i Kunsthal vARTe, Varde, Danmark 2018

Published Date 11/4 - 2018

Beskrivelse:Video fra vores 333 m2 store kunstudstilling "Det nøgne menneske" i Kunsthal vARte, Varde efter lukketid så man rigtigt kan høre komponist Alfredo Moreleons musik til Lotte Kjøllers "I begyndelsen var billedet" som spreder sig ud over hele udstillingen.

Description: Video from our 333m2 art exhibition "The Naked Human Art" in vARte Exhibitionhall, Warned after closing time, so you can really listen to composer Alfredo Moreleon's music to Lotte Kjøller's "In the beginning was the picture" which spreads throughout  all the exhibition.

Video of "the NAKED human art" in Pakhus Gallery, Nykoebing Sealand, Denmark 2019

Video af "det NØGNE menneske" i Pakhus Galleriet, Nykøbing Sjælland, Danmark 2019

Published Date 18/5 - 2019

Beskrivelse: Video fra vores fernisering med "Det nøgne menneske" i Pakhus Galleriet, Nykøbing Sjælland under fernisering Lørdag d. 18/5-2019 med et fint salg og besøg.

Description: Video from our celebration with "The naked human Art" in Pakhus Galleriy, Nykøbing Sealand during the opening Saturday 18 / 5-2019 with a nice sale and kustemers.
